TEd Talks
ESL Videos
Live Streaming English Language News:
Al Jazeera
Russia Today
Youtube Playlists:
Agriculture: VOA
Business: Bizpod
Business: VOA Economics
Children: Talking Books
Education: VOA
Medical: VOA Health\
Music Videos: KeisEcho
Technology: VOA
YouTube/Video Channels:
Agriculture: VOA
Business: Bizpod
Business: VOA Economics
Children: Talking Books
Education: VOA
Medical: VOA Health\
Music Videos: KeisEcho
Technology: VOA
YouTube/Video Channels:
BBC Learning English
Business: Pathirtle
Animals, Part 1: Farm (HungryForEnglish)
Animals, Part 2: Wild (HungryForEnglish)
Advice (Action Teacher)
Advice: Should, Ought to, Had Better (AlexESLVid)
Advice and Recommendations (Englishbox)
Body Parts (Face) (HungryForEnglish)
Body Parts (HungryForEnglish)
Body Parts (Englishbox)
British English vs. American English (Englishbox)
Capitalization (English Grammar Series)
Clothes (HungryForEnglish)
Colors (HungryForEnglish)
Colors (Englishbox)
Days, Months and Years (Englishbox)
Elipsis (English Grammar Series)
Expectations: Supposed to (AlexESLVid)
Family, Part 1 (HungryForEnglish)
Family, Part 2 (HungryForEnglish)
Food, Part 1 (HungryForEnglish)
Food, Part 2 (HungryForEnglish)
Greetings (HungryForEnglish)
Goodbye Phrases (AlexESLVid)
Greetings: Hello and Goodbye (DuncanInChina)
Greetings: How to Say Hello (Englishbox)
Greetings: Please and Thank You (DuncanInChina)
Greetings: Please and Thank You Responses (DuncanInChina)
Jokes: Xmas (Action Teacher)
Law:犯罪/裁判 (Action Teacher)
Law:Treyvon Martin Shooting (Action Teacher)
Medical: Ache (Action Teacher)
Medical: Pains and Aches (AlexESLVid)
Numbers (HungryForEnglish)
People, Part 1 (HungryForEnglish)
Pet Peeves (Action Teacher)
Plurals (English Grammar Series)
Plurals/Singular: This, That, These, Those (AlexESLVid)
Plurals (HungryForEnglish)
Plurals and Irregular Plurals (Englishbox)
Plurals/Singular: This, That, These, Those (HungryForEnglish)
Plural/Singular 2: This, That, These, Those (HungryForEnglish)
Possessions (HungryForEnglish)
Possessions Part 2 (HungryForEnglish)
Possessive Adjectives and Pronouns (AlexESLVid)
Prefereneces: Like (HungryForEnglish)
Prefereneces 2: Like (HungryForEnglish)
Preferences (AlexESLVid)
Pronunciation: "A" vs. "U" (Action Teacher)
Pronunciation: “W” (Action Teacher)
Pronunciation: "R" vs "L" (Action Teacher)
Pronunciation: "O" (Action Teacher)
Pronunciation: "I" and "EE" (AlexESLVid)
Punctuation: Colons and Semicolons (English Grammar Series)
Punctuation: Commas (English Grammar Series)
Punctuation: Commas Exercise (English Grammar Series)
Punctuation: Commas (AlexESLVid)
Punctuation: Quotation Marks (English Grammar Series)
Punctuation: Quotation Marks Execises (English Grammar Series)
Punctuation: Parenthesis, Dashes and Ellipses (English Grammar Series)
Punctuation at the End of a Sentence (English Grammar Series)
Quantifiers: MUCH, MANY and A LOT OF (Englishbox)
Quantifiers: Few and Little (AlexESLVid)
Questions: 5 Ws Present Tense (AlexESLVid)
Questions: Tag (AlexESLVid)
Question Tags (Englishbox)
Questions: "To be" (AlexESLVid)
Questions: Where is this? (Action Teacher)
Questions: Yes/No Present Tense (AlexESLVid)
Requests (HungryForEnglish)
Requesting: Can, Could, May, Do you mind (AlexESLVid)
Relationships - Vocabulary (Englishbox)
Reported Speech (Englishbox)
Reported Speech 2 (Englishbox)
Restaurant Ordering (AlexESLVid)
Speculating: Present (AlexESLVid)
Spelling: Easily Confused Words (English Grammar Series)
Spelling: Prefixes and Suffixes. (English Grammar Series)
Spelling Tricks (English Grammar Series)
Thanking (Action Teacher)
TOEIC Listening practice 1 (Atsusana69)
TOEIC Listening practice 2 (Atsusana69)
TOEIC Listening practice 3 (Atsusana69)
TOEIC Listening practice 4 (Atsusana69)
Adjectives 形容詞 (School House Rock)
Adjectives, Comparatives and Superlatives (Englishbox)
Adjectives: Emotions and Feelings (Englishbox)
Adjectives: Feelings (Englishbox)
Adjectives: Feelings Part 2 (Action Teacher)
Adjectives: Feelings Part 1 (Action Teacher)
Adjectives, Part 2 (HungryForEnglish)
Adjectives: Word Order (AlexESLVid)
Adjective Word Order (Englishbox)
Adjectives, Part 1 (HungryForEnglish)Adverbs (Englishbox)
Adverbs: frequency (AlexESLVid)
Adverbs 副詞 (School House Rock)
Adverbs of Frequency (Englishbox)
Articles: a vs. the (Action Teacher)
Articles, Part 1 (HungryForEnglish)
Articles, Part 2 (HungryForEnglish)
Articles: Indefinite - A, AN, or no article (AlexESLVid)
Clauses: Relative (AlexESLVid)
Clauses: Reduced Relative Clauses (Bizpod)
Clauses: That and Which (AlexESLVid)
Comparatives and AS/AS (Englishbox)
Conditionals (Bizpod)
Conditionals (Englishbox)
Conditionals: Mixed (Englishbox)
Conjunctions 接続詞 (School House Rock)
Conjunctions: But (HungryForEnglish)
Gerunds (Bizpod)
Imperatives (AlexESLVid)
Imperatives (Englishbox)
Interjections! 感動詞 (School House Rock)
Nouns 名詞 (School House Rock)
Passive Causitive (AlexESLVid)
Passive Voice (Bizpod)
Passive Voice (Englishbox)
Phrasal Verbs (Englishbox)
Phrasal Verbs: Catch (Englishbox)
Phrasal Verbs: Come (Englishbox)
Phrasal Verbs: Pass (Englishbox)
Phrasal Verbs: Talk (Englishbox)
Phrasal Verbs: Tell (Englishbox)
Phrasal Verbs: Turn (Englishbox)
Prepositions: "to" vs "at" (Action Teacher)
Prepostitions: Location (AlexESLVid)
Prepositions 前置詞 (Schoolhouse rock)
Prepostions: At, On, In (AlexESLVid)Progress: Already and Yet (AlexESLVid)
Prepositions: IN ON AT (Englishbox)
Pronouns 代名詞 (School House Rock)
Subject/Predicate (School House Rock)
Verbs: Auxillaries (Englishbox)
Verb: Auxilliaries 2 (Englishbox)
Verbs: Auxillaries CAN and COULD (Englishbox)
Verbs: Auxillaries- Can, Could, Able to (AlexESLVid)
Verbs: Auxiliaries Have (Englishbox)
Verbs: Auxillaries MUST and HAVE TO (Englishbox)
Verbs: Auxillary, Should Past tense (AlexESLVid)
Verbs: Auxillary, Should and Could (AlexESLVid)Verbs: Auxillaries SHOULD (Englishbox)
Verbs: Auxilliary, Should and Must (AlexESLVid)
Verbs: Causative (Bizpod)
Verbs: Causative with Passive & Gerunds (Bizpod)
Verbs: Do, Does, Don't, Doesn't (HungryForEnglish)
Verb Tenses (Englishbox)
Verbs: Future Tense, Will & Going to (Englishbox)
Verbs: Future Perfect (Englishbox)
Verbs: Future Perfect Progressive (Englishbox)
Verbs: Future Progressive (Englishbox)
Verbs: Irregular Past Tense (AlexESLVid)
Verbs: Past Perfect and Past Perfect Progressive (Englishbox)
Verbs: Past Progressive (Englishbox)
Verbs: Past Progressive (AlexESLVid)
Verbs: Perfect Tenses (Bizpod)
Verbs: Present Tense (AlexESLVid)
Verbs: Present Tense (Englishbox)
Verbs: Present Tense (HungryForEnglish)
Verbs: Present Perfect - For and Since (AlexESLVid)
Verbs: Present Perfect and Past (Englishbox)
Verb: Present Perfect and Present Progressive (Englishbox)
Verb: Present Perfect and Present Progressive 2 (Englishbox)
Verbs: Present Progressive (Englishbox)
Verb Patterns (Englishbox)
Verbs: Senses (Bizpod)
Verbs: Senses (Englishbox)
Verbs: Stative (Englishbox)
Verbs: To Get (Englishbox)
Verbs: Vocabulary Part 1 (HungryForEnglish)
Verbs: Vocabulary Part 2 (HungryForEnglish)
Accounting Vocabulary 1 (Bizpod)
Accounting Vocabulary 2 (Bizpod)
Accounting: GAAP (Bizpod)
Accounting Vocab (Bizpod)
Bankruptcy 1 (Bizpod)
Bankruptcy 2 (Bizpod)
Bonds 1 (Bizpod)
Bonds 2 (Bizpod)
Economic Terms (Bizpod)Email: Bad News Messages (Bizpod)
Email: External Request (Bizpod)
Email: Tune-up 1 (Bizpod)
Email: Tune-up 2 (Bizpod)
Email: Making Requests (Bizpod)
Global Economic Crisis (Bizpod)
Graphs and Trends (Englishbox)
Internet Technologies 1 (Bizpod)
Internet Technologies 2 (Bizpod)
IT & Computing: Web 2.0 (Pt. 1) (Bizpod)
IT & Computing: Web 2.0 (Pt. 2) (Bizpod)
Law: Basic Legal Vocabulary (Bizpod)
Law: Commercial 1 (Bizpod)
Law: Commercial 2 (Bizpod)
Law: Contract 1 (Bizpod)
Law: Contract 2 (Bizpod)
Law: Court Cases (Bizpod)
Marketing: Branding 1 (Bizpod)
Marketing: Branding 2 (Bizpod)
Marketing Vocabulary (Bizpod)
Planning Process 1 (Bizpod)
Planning Process 2 (Bizpod)
Project Management 1 (Bizpod)
Project Management 2 (Bizpod)
Project Management 3 (Bizpod)
Risk Management 1 (Bizpod)
Risk Management 2 (Bizpod)
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